Big Bend’s Oasis at Post Park in Marathon, TX

Big Bend’s Oasis at Post Park in Marathon, TX

Post Park is a wellspring in the Big Bend region. Enjoy a picnic under shade trees near a spring-fed pond at this beautiful park the next time you’re in Marathon!

Big Bend
humidity: 32%
wind speed: 3 m/s ESE
wind gusts: 11 m/s
UV-Index: 0
Precipitation: 0in / 0%
sunrise: 07:12
sunset: 20:49
J.O. Langford’s Hot Springs: A Very Brief History

J.O. Langford’s Hot Springs: A Very Brief History

Consider the recent history of the hot springs and the story of how they became national park property for only $10. Be sure to make your way down that pleasant path for a soak on your next visit!

Four Wheel Drive access hikes: Ernst Tinaja Trail

Four Wheel Drive access hikes: Ernst Tinaja Trail

Be sure to explore all your National Park has to offer! Put Ernst Tinaja Trail on the list of must-see hikes!