Important information about travelling to Mexico

As one old timer told a dewy-eyed tourist upon his first glimpse of the Rio Grande, “Boy, when you cross that river, you’re in another country”.

Until recently, one of the great experiences to be enjoyed in Big Bend was a trip across the border into Mexico at one of the “informal” crossings into Boquillas, across from Rio Grande Village; Santa Elena, across from Castolon, or Paso Lajitas, across the Rio Grande from Lajitas Resort. Although American citizens may legally cross into Mexico, the current standards being enforced require that individuals may only enter the United States at a formal port of entry. The closest of these facilities are in Ojinaga-Presidio and Del Rio- Ciudad Acuna, making short trips from the Big Bend Park area into this fascinating country impractical. Local citizens and disappointed visitors alike should urge public officials to establish local immigration points where citizens may travel into the quaint villages and vast natural preserves on the Mexican side of the Big Bend.