Pets are allowed in Big Bend National Park, but
Be aware that having a pet with you will limit your activities and explorations in the park. In addition, desert temperatures and predators are a serious threat to your pet’s well being. Please consider the following points before deciding to bring a pet:
- Pets are not allowed on trails, off roads, or on the river. Basically, your pet can only go where your car can go.
- If you plan to hike, someone must stay behind with the pet, or you will need to make arrangements with a kennel service. The closest kennel service to the pakr is Red Woof Inn in Alpine 432.837.7475
- Pet owners are required to immediately remove and properly dispose of fecal matter deposited by their pets. Deposit bag of fecal matter in a dumpster.
- Pets need to be on a leash no longer than six feet in length (or in a cage) at all times.
- You are not allowed to leave your pet unattended in vehicles if it creates a danger to the animal, or if the animal becomes a public nuisance. There is no kennel service in the park.
- Pet etiquette and park regulations require that you always clean up after your pet and dispose of waste in trash receptacles.
- Predators such as owls, coyotes, mountain lions and even javelina can and do kill pets here. Even large dogs cannot defend themselves against predators. Extreme temperatures are also a danger.